26  Survival Analysis

Is the Cluster of Deaths Significantly High?

  • A town in Wisconsin has 5000 people who reach their 16th birthday, and 25 of them die before their 17th birthday.
  • Many residents claim that the number is too high and suspect air pollution as a cause.
  • Others suggest that the number of deaths vary from year to year, so it is no cause for concern.

How do we objectively address this issue?
  • One essential piece of information is the death rate for people in this age group, which can be extracted from a life table.

26.1 Life Table

  • A period life table describes mortality and longevity data for a hypothetical cohort.
  • The data is computed with the assumption that the conditions affecting mortality in a particular year remain the same throughout the lives of everyone in the hypothetical cohort.
    • For example, a 1-year-old toddler and an elderly 70-year-old live their entire life in a world with the same constant death rates that were present in a given year.
  • An example of a life table is shown in Figure 26.1.

Figure 26.1: Life table for total population in the United States in 2018

  • The entire report can be downloaded at CDC Publications and Information Products.
  • Mortality experiences are different for various gender and race groups, so it is common to have tables for specific groups.
    • For example, Figure 26.2 below is a table for females in the United States.

Figure 26.2: Life table for females in the United States in 2018

  • The basis year for the mortality rate in this table is 2018, as is highlighted in Figure 26.3.
  • This life table has data for a cohort of 100,000 hypothetical people.

Figure 26.3: The life table lists its basis year and number of hypothetical individuals

  • The age ranges chosen for this life table include the following classes: \([0, 1)\), \([1, 2)\), \([2, 3)\), … \([99, 100)\), \([100, \infty)\).

Figure 26.4: The first column lists the age intervals of the individuals

  • The probabilities of dying during the age interval are listed in the 1st column of the life table.
  • For example, in Figure 26.5, there is a 0.000367 probability of someone dying between their 1st birthday and their 2nd birthday.

Figure 26.5: The second column lists the probability of dying between two ages

  • The number of people alive at the beginning of the age interval is listed in column 2.
  • As Figure 26.6 displays, among the 100,000 hypothetical people who were born, 99,435 of them are alive on their 1st birthday.

Figure 26.6: The third column lists the number of individuals alive at the beginning of the age interval

  • The number of people who died during the age interval is listed in column 3.
How is this column related to the previous two columns?

Figure 26.7: The fourth column lists the number of individuals who die during a given age interval

  • The total number of years lived during the age interval by those who were alive at the beginning of the age interval is listed in the fourth column.
  • For example, the 100,000 people who were present at age 0 lived a total of 99,505 years (Figure 26.8).
  • If none of those people had died, this entry would have been 100,000 years.

Figure 26.8: The fifth column lists the total number of person-years lived within a given age interval

  • The sixth column is similar to the fifth, but lists the total number of years lived during the age interval and all of the following age intervals as well.

Figure 26.9: The fifth column lists the total number of person-years lived above a given age

  • The final column lists the expected remaining lifetime in years, measured from the beginning of the age interval (Figure 26.10).
Why does the age interval of 1-2 have an expected remaining lifetime of 78.2 years?

Figure 26.10: The final column lists the expectation of life at a given age

Example: Probability of Dying

  • Use Figure 26.1 to find the probability of a person dying between age of 15 and 20.

\[\begin{align*} Pr(\text{die in } [15, 20)) &= Pr([15, 16) \cup [16, 17) \cup \cdots \cup [19, 20)) \\ &= Pr([15, 16) + Pr([16, 17)) + \cdots + Pr([19, 20)) \\ &= 0.000214 + 0.000253 + 0.000292 + 0.000329 + 0.000365 = 0.001453 \end{align*}\]

\[\begin{align*} Pr(\text{surviving between 15th and 20th birthdays}) &= \frac{\text{Number of people alive on their 20th birthday}}{\text{Number of people alive on their 15th birthday}} \\ &= \frac{99,151}{99,296} \\ &= 0.99854 \end{align*}\]

\[Pr(\text{die in } [15, 20)) = 1-Pr(\text{survive in } [15, 20)) = 1 - 0.99854 = 0.00146\]

26.2 Applications of Life Tables

Social Security

  • There were 3,600,000 births in the U.S. in 2020.
  • If the age for receiving full Social Security payment is 67, how many of those born in 2020 are expected to be alive on their 67th birthday? Check the report!

  • Among 100,000 people born, we expect 81,637 of them will survive to their 67th birthday.
  • Therefore, we expect that \(3,600,000 \times 0.81637 = 2,938,932\) people born in 2020 will receive their full Social Security payment.

Hypothesis Testing

  • For one city, there are 5000 people who reach their 16th birthday.
  • 25 of them die before their 17th birthday.
  • Do we have sufficient evidence to conclude that this number of deaths is significantly high?

  • The probability of dying for the age interval of 16-17 is 0.000405.
  • This is a \(H_1\) claim. \(\small \begin{align} &H_0: \pi = 0.000405 \\ &H_1: \pi > 0.000405\end{align}\)
  • \(\hat{\pi} = 25/5000 = 0.005\).
  • \(z = \frac{0.005 - 0.000405}{\sqrt{\frac{(0.000405)(0.999595)}{5000}}} = 16.15\)
  • \(P\)-value \(\approx 0\).
  • There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the proportion of deaths is significantly higher than the proportion that is usually expected for this age interval.

26.3 Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis

Survival Analysis

  • The life table method is based on fixed time intervals.
  • The Kaplan-Meier method
    • is based on intervals that vary according to the times of survival to some particular terminating event.
    • is used to describe the probability of surviving for a specific period of time.
  • What is the probability of surviving for 5 more years after cancer chemotherapy?

Survival Time

  • The time lapse from the beginning of observation to the time of terminating event is considered the survival time (Figure 26.11).

Figure 26.11: Graph of survival time


  • A survivor is a subject that successfully lasted throughout a particular time period.
  • A survivor does not necessarily mean living.
    • A patient trying to stop smoking is a survivor if smoking has not resumed.
    • Your iPhone that worked for some particular length of time can be considered a survivor.

Censored Data

  • Survival times are censored data if the subjects
    • survive past the end of the study
    • are dropped from the study for reasons not related to the terminating event being studied.

Figure 26.12: Illustration of censored data (https://unc.live/3K1ph8f)

Example: Medication Treatment for Quitting Smoking

Day Status (0 = censored, 1 = Smoke Again) Number of Patients Patients Not Smoking Proportion Not Smoking Cumulative Proportion Not Smoking
1 0
3 1 4 3 3/4 = 0.75 0.75
4 1 3 2 2/3 = 0.67 0.5
7 1 2 1 1/2 = 0.5 0.25
21 1 1 0 0 0
  • “Surviving” means the patient has NOT resumed smoking.
  • As shown in Figure 26.13, the Subject 1 disliked the medication and dropped out of the study on day one.
  • The table above also provides information regarding the study.
    • 2nd row: Subject 2 resumed smoking 3 days after the start of the program.
    • 3rd row: \(0.5 = (3/4)(2/3)\)
    • 4th row: \(0.25 = (3/4)(2/3)(1/2)\)
    • 5th row: \(0 = (3/4)(2/3)(1/2)(0)\)

Figure 26.13: Survival time for five subjects receiving the medication treatment

Example: Counseling Treatment for Quitting Smoking

Day Status
(0 = censored, 1 = Smoke Again)
Number of Patients Patients Not Smoking Proportion Not Smoking Cumulative Proportion Not Smoking
2 1 10 9 9/10 0.9
4 1 9 8 8/9 0.8
5 0
8 1 7 6 6/7 0.686
9 1 6 5 5/6 0.571
12 0
14 1 4 3 3/4 0.429
22 1 3 2 2/3 0.286
24 0
28 0
Why is the cumulative proportion on Day 8 0.686?

\[0.686 = (9/10)(8/9)(6/7)\]

  • On Day 5 a patient dropped out, so we don’t know whether he resumed smoking on Day 8 or not.

Figure 26.14: Survival time for ten subjects receiving the counseling treatment

Kaplan-Meier Analysis

Which treatment is better for quitting smoking?

Figure 26.15: Data from the medication treatment group and the counseling treatment group are compared using a Kaplan-Meier plot